Hill City High School

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K - 5th Physical Education

Course Description

Physical Education

Physical Education is part of general education and it is directed and centered on the total well-being of the student. It is important for the development of physical, social and mental skills. The skills obtained from the physical education environment will allow the student to develop an attitude, which will prepare him/her for a lifelong pursuit of being physically fit.

PE Rules & Expectations

  1. Listen and follow directions- do what you are expected to do when you are expected to do it.
  2. Stay on taskwhether you are waiting for your turn in line or performing each skill.
  3. Respect those around you- your teacher and fellow 
  4. Participate to the best of your ability- 100% effort, 100% of the time.
Students who do not follow these rules and expectations will receive consequences for their actions. Consequences include the following: warnings, time outs and office referrals.


Week 3 September 12

Mini Games
including but not limited to
softball, Frisbee, kickball, soccer, football,hockey,